The Human Rights and Peace Centre (HURIPEC or the Centre) was hosted by the Centre for Resolution of International Conflicts (CRIC) at the University of Copenhagen (UoC) in Denmark to speak on preliminary findings from a joint project between HURIPEC and CRIC. The two institutions are collaborating on research about the role of Uganda’s security sector in national development and peace.

From HURIPEC, Dr. Zahara Nampewo (Director HURIPEC) and Dr. Sylvie Namwase (a Research Fellow with HURIPEC) were hosted by CRIC at the Department of Political Science at the UoC between the 11th and 13th October 2022.

Dr. Sylvie Namwase during the presentations
Dr. Zahara Nampewo delivering her presentation

The duo presented their findings before staff of the university including Masters students of Approaches to International Conflicts – From Theory to Methods at the Department and their lecturers Mathilde Kaalund, and Professor Ole Wæver who is scheduled to present two guest lectures on “Security Theory and Securitization” (open to the public) and “International Peace and Security. A world Analysis” (for masters’ students at the School of Social Sciences, College of Humanities) all at Makerere University on the 14th and 16thNovember 2022.

While at the UoC, Dr. Zahara was also hosted at the School of Law, where she made a special presentation on the migration patterns into and out of Uganda with specific focus on labour externalization from Uganda to the Middle East.

HURIPEC will continue to research on contemporary issues and is particularly honoured by the partnership with CRIC to research on the role of Uganda’s security sector in national development and peace. The findings from the research will be published once ready for dissemination.

Some of the recordings from the presentations will be made available on the website.

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