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Internet Governance, Hate Speech and Human Rights: Thoughts and Perspectives for African Countries

The Internet presents both the widest single platform and infrastructure that reaches any one in all the world’s frontiers. Its effects on human rights are thus worth considering. This paper explores the subject of Internet governance in light of hate speech and human rights enforcement. Commencing with a definitional understanding of Internet governance, the paper explores the discourse on Internet governance so far,
arguing that much more needs to be done to ensure the protection of human rights online, especially in Africa. The paper also discusses the issue of hate speech on the Internet. It is argued here that deriving its basis from the constitutional right to freedom of expression, the propagation of hate speech has fast been hastened by the Internet platform of publication of information. The paper then considers various other rights, albeit with a more detailed focus on the right to privacy. Highlighting the need to hold online corporations accountable, among other major weaknesses in the system today, the paper makes suggestions towards improving the attendant enforcement mechanisms.

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Robert Kirunda

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