Uganda’s 2006 Multiparty Elections: Consolidating Democracy and Building Peace?

Multiparty elections are generally perceived as a bedrock for democratization and good governance, if conducted in a free, fair and genuine manner. However, in conditions where such elections are shrouded in constitutional manipulation, political opaqueness, greed and consolidation of personal rule, they may instead, entrench an authoritarian regime. This article looks at the effects of the recent multiparty elections on the process of democratization and peace building in Uganda. It recognizes that both democratic governance and peace have eluded Uganda for a long time. The article is built on the background that Uganda’s perennial socio-political crises have been partly a result of
the failure of the state to conduct free and fair elections. We conclude that if the 2006 multiparty elections had been better organized, they could have formed a milestone in furthering democracy and restoring peace and order in this turmoil-ridden country, and that since this was not the case; the prospect of mitigating the dangers of political conflicts will remain a maze.

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Sabiti Makara

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